Personal Counselling

College students must adapt to environments plagued by rapid change, ambiguity, uncertainty, and depleted support systems. Students must also cope with a myriad of personal and psychological problems that range from basic adjustment and developmental, academic and learning, and career concerns to clinical-level mental illness. Within higher education, there exists general consensus that the ubiquitous role of personal and psychological counselling is to contribute to student development, adjustment, and learning while preventing dangerous and self-defeating behavior, thus enabling the individual to thrive in the college community. Hence, our college carries out with personal counselling to the students periodically and when needed.
Common issues for which students seek counselling are:
• Depression/depressed mood
• Development of self-awareness
• Explore academics & career directions
• Increase potential level & academic resilience
• Overcome problems that are holding back
• Address mental health concern (i.e. anxiety, depression)
• Develop better relationship
• Interpersonal/relationship difficulties
• Disordered eating/body image
• Heal from traumatic experiences
• Family issues
• Stress/adjustment issues
• Loneliness and homesickness
• Past or current abuse or trauma
• Self-harm/cutting/risky behaviour
• Identity issues

Details of the Scheme Organized