
The Department of Zoology was started in the year 1972-73 and it offers B.Sc. Zoology programme with a sanctioned strength of 32. The M.Sc. Zoology programme was started in the year 1983-84, with a sanctioned strength of 20. A well-equipped zoology and allied botany lab caters to the needs of the students. The Department offers both full-time and part-time M.Phil., and Ph.D. programmes in Zoology.



The successful candidates of B.Sc Zoology programme gain knowledge and skill in the fundamentals of Animal science. They are able to identify the major groups of organisms. They are able to classify them within a phylogenetic framework. Students gain the basic knowledge of complex interactions among various animals of different phyla, their distribution and their relationship with environment. This program provides a foundation for their later advanced biological studies.

  • Students will acquire a comprehensive knowledge of biology in a diversity of organisms encompassing the molecular to ecosystem levels.
  • Correlates the physiological processes of animals and relationship of organ system.
  • Understanding of environmental conservation processes and its importance, pollution control, biodiversity and protection of endangered species.
  • Understands about various concepts of genetics and its importance in human health.
  • Imparts in depth knowledge of tissues cells and molecules involved in host defence mechanisms, types of immunity, interactions of antigens- antibodies, disease control and vaccination.

At the end of the M.Sc Zoology Programme, the graduates acquired knowledge on zoology with different specialization which facilitate higher education research in biological sciences. They can understand the needs of zoology in shaping our planet.

  • The students are able to understand and demonstrate the ultra-structure of cell and cell organelles and their molecular characterization human physiology, anatomy, metabolic and molecular level.
  • The learners can interpret the ecosystem habitat, community ecology, pollution and their management.
  • Attainment of knowledge on function of human body parts, endocrinological control, immune system actions, regulation of gene expression and genetical disorders.
  • The students gained practical experience on the diversity and basic taxonomy of insects and the role of insects in biological community, ecological interaction and conservation problems.
  • Dr. A.Chandrakala, M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D.,                                                                    (Head)
  • Dr. A. Raja Rajeswari, M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D.,
  • Dr. P. S. Arunadevi, M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D.
  • Dr. R. Chandirasekar, M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D.,PDF (UGC).,
  • Dr. C. Vasugi, M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D.,
  • Dr. V. UthayaKumar, M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D.,
  • Dr. M. Saravanaraja., M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D., SET.,
  • Dr .K .Mohan., M.Sc., M.Phil., PhD.,PDF (DST)
  • Dr. N.Revathi., M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D.,
  • Dr. A.Chandrakala
    • Bio Insecticidal Activity of Soil Fungi against Grasshopper, Research in Medical and Engineering Sciences, 2017-18, ISSN NO 2576 -8816
    • Studies on the effect of commercial probiotic Application in the growth of the Fish, Cyprinus Carpio.,International Journal of Advanced Research,2015-2016,ISSN NO 2320 -5407
    • Isolation of novel grass fungi for phospholipase A2 and fermentation studies,International Journal of Advanced Research,2015-2016,ISSN NO 2320 -5407
    • Toxic potential of  Neem stem ash powder (Azadirachtaindica,A.Juss) against Callosobruchuschinensis infestation (Bruchide ;Coleoptera) on the Cowpea (Vignaunguiculata) seeds. International Journal of Pure and Applied Zoology, 1(1); 52-60. 2013.
    • Toxic effect of Neem leaf powder (Azadirachtaindica,A.Juss) against Callosobruchuschinensis infestation  (Bruchidae ; Coleoptera) on the green gram ( Vignaradiata) seeds. International Journal of Pure and Applied zoology,1(1) 86-91, 2013.
    • Miniaturized Screening and Isolation of Phospholipase A2 Rhizopus  by using egg yolk substrate.International Journal of Applied Biotechnology and Biochemistry (IJABB). Vol (3) 1;83-96. 2013
  • Dr. A. Raja Rajeswari
    • Mosquito diversity in erode district, Tamil Nadu, India, World Journal of pharmaceutical Research, 2017-18, 2277-7105
    • Efficacy of Neem seed oil, Neem kernel powder and Malathian on larval instars of Helicoverpa armigera.,International Journal of Recent Scientific Research.,2015-2016,0976-3031
    • Effect of Azadirachta indica and ocimum sanctum leaf and seed extracts on egg hatchability of Aedes Aegypti,International Journal Of Biosciences and Nanoscfiences,2015-2016,2349-5251
    • Larvicidal Efficacy of Eco-Friendly Bio-pesticides Azt and Btk against the chickungunya mosquito Aedes aegypti,International Journal of Recent Scientific Research.,2013-2014,0976-3031
    • Efficacy of Bacillus thuringiensis var.Kurstaki in the control of two mosquito species (Anopheles stephensi and Culex quinquefasciatus). Senthil kumar.A, Moorthi.M, Ramakrishnan.N, Dhanapakiam.P, Ramasamy.V.K and Rajarajeswari.A. Journal name: Environmental Biology ISSN: (0254-8704) 30(3), 433-435(2009).
    • Effect of Neem Derivatives on Adult Emergence of Dydercus cingulatus (HETEROPTERA : PYRRHOCORIDAE). Umamaheswari.S, Rajarajeswari.A. Journal Name : World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. Volume 3, issue 6, PP.1414-1417. August – 2014 (ISSN 2277-7105). Impact factor: 5.045.
    • Diversity of Anopheles species in Erode District. Rajarajeswari.A, Nagarajan.K. . Journal Name : World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. Volume 6, issue 12 (2017), 1000-1007 (ISSN:2277-7105). Impact factor:7.523
    • Diversity and abundance of Lepidoptern order in Thiruchengode taluk, Namakkal District, Tamil Nadu. Raja Rajeswari. A, Umamaheswari.S, Ashok Kumar.M, Shanmugapriya.M. Journal name: World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. Volume 6, issue 6 (2017), 591-596(ISSN:2277-7105).
    • Diversity of Aedes species in Erode District.Journal name: World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. ISSN: (2277-7105). Volume 8, Issue 10, 1260-1269. Impact Factor: 8.074. 2019.
  • Dr. P. S. Arunadevi
    • Cure of Inoperable Municipal solid Wastes by formulated microbioal solution., International Journal of institutional pharmacy and life science., 2017-18, 2249-6807
    • Impact of Urbanization on the physico chemical characteristics and its sequential changes in the Ethano-botanical composition of the odathurai lake of erode District,South India., International journal of current Research., 2017-18, 0975-833X
    • A Pioneer survey on the Ethano-Botanical Diversity of the Perumugai lake of Erode District,South India,International Journal for universal pharma and bioscience.,2016-2017,2319-8141
    • Antibacterial efficacy of Fabaceae plants of a tropical lake of south india,International Journal of Research in  pharmacy and  science,2016-2017,2249-3522
    • Fractiousrole of pesticides and herbicides on medicinal herbs diversity of a tropical south Indian village.,International Journal of institutional pharmacy and life science.Impact factor:0.68,2015-2016,2249-6807
    • Constructive role of rural women on conservation of ethano-botanical diversity of south Indian villages.,Wide spectrum Research Journal.Proceedings of state level seminar on micro level women entrepreneurship in biotechnology Applications,2015-2016,2250-3815
    • Ethano-botanical importance of a tropical south Indian freshwater lake.,International Research Journal of agriculture,plant biotechnology and bioproducts.Impact Factor:0.68,2015-2016,2349-0128
    • Constructive role of rural women on conservation of ethano-botanical diversity of south Indian villages. Journal name: wide spectrum research journal. Proceedings of state level seminar on micro level women entrepreneurship in biotechnological applications. 5th and 6th Feb.2016.
    • Histological changes in Indian freshwater major carp Labeo rohita due to distillery effluent. Journal name : Nature environment and pollution technology, technoscience publications. Volume 5.No.1, 1-6, 2006
    • Microbial degradation of solid wastes of dairy industry. Journal name: Journal of experimental zoology India. Volume II. 2, 287-289-2008.
    • Designing on integrated waste management strategy for dairy industry. Journal Name: Journal of Experimental Zoology India. Volume II.2,294-298-2008.
    • Review on Chromium versus Human Health. Journal name: International Journal of Universal Pharmacy and Biosciences, 2 (5) 144-152.
    • Removal of Nutrients from Dairy waste water by using two phase UASB reactor. Journal name: International journal for Recent Scientific Research. Volume 4(7), 1001-1002.
    • Treatment of sewage by using eco friendly microbial solution. Journal name: International journal for Recent Scientific Research. Volume 4(7), 1003-1004
    • A Cost effective and Quality Improvement of Conventional Sewage Treatment Plants by Adding Formulated Microbial Solution. Journal name: International Journal for Universal Pharma and Bio Sciences. Volume 4- Issue 4-2015
    • Ethano-Botanical Importance of a Tropical South Indian Freshwater Lake. SIRJ-APBBP Volume 2 Issue 6 (December 2015). ISSN 2349-0128.
  • Dr. R. Chandira sekar
    • Cytogenetic and micronuclei assessment of smokeless tobacco users: A case-control study, International Journal of Life Sciences.11.(special issue ),6- 10, 2017-18, 2320-7871
    • Clinical implication of ACE gene polymorphism in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus patients., International Journal of Life Sciences, 2017-18, 2320-7871
    • Effect of dietary Ganoderma lucidum polysaccharides on biological and physiological responses of the giant freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii. Aquaculture, 464:42-49(Impact factors :2.50).,Aquaculture,2016-2017,0044-8486
    • Occupational exposure to organic solvents and welding fumes and risk of Parkinson disease,Parkinsonism and related Disorders is 22(2http://dx.doi.org.10.1016/j,2015-2016,1353-8020
    • Cytogenetic, genotypic , gene sequencing and gene expression studies on the stroke patients –A case control study,Parkinsonism and related Disorders 22(2), e175,2015-2016,1353-8020
    • Biomimetics of Silver Nanoparticles From Ganoderma Lucidum(Curtis) P.Karst And Its Anticancer Potential on Breast Cancer Cells,International Journal of Recent Advances in Multidisciplinary Research,2015-2016,2350-0743
    • Peroxisome Proliferator Activated Receptor Gamma Polymorphism Pro12 Ala in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) of South Indian Population. (Impact factors :0.50).,Asian Pacific Journal of Reproduction 23, 1-4,,2015-2016,2305-0500
    • Mosquitocidal and antiplasmodial activity of Senna occidentalis (Cassiae) and Ocimum basilicum (Lamiaceae) from Maruthamalai hills against Anopheles stephensi and Plasmodium falciparum, (Impact factors :2.90).,Parasitology research,2015-2016,1432-1955
    • Characterization and mosquitocidal potential of neem cake-synthesized silver nanoparticles: genotoxicity and impact on predation efficiency of mosquito natural enemies. (Impact factors :2.90).,Parasitol Research,2015-2016,1432-1955
    • Effect of Spirulina platensis, Chlorella vulgaris and Spirogyra maxima on Population Growth, Egg Production and Nutritional Profiles in Thermocyclops hyalinus. Global Veterinaria 15 (6): 554-563,,Global Verternarian,2014-2015,1992-6197
    • Immunostimulatory effect and disease resistance induced by Lawsonia inermis against Aphanomyces invadans in striped murrels (Channa striatus)  ,Malaya Journal of Biosciences 1(4):231-241.,2014-2015,2348-3075
    • Runt – related transcription factor 3: single nucleotide polymorphism r 760805,gene expression and methylation status in Helicobacter pylori –infected patients for determination (Imapct factor:0.5) ,Journal of gastrointestinal cancer 44(4),444-449,2013-2014,1941-6636
    • Assessment of genotoxic and molecular mechanisms of cancer risk in smoking and smokeless tobacco users. (Impact factors: 2.50),Mutation Research/Genetic toxicology and environmental Mutagenesis 767,21 -27,2013-2014,1383-5718
    • Genotoxic effects of tobacco use in residents of hilly areas and foot hills of Western Ghats, Southern India. Scientific Reports, 9(1),pp.1-8(SCI, Impact factor: 4.122).
    • Potential uses of fungal polysaccharides as immunostimulants in fish and shrimp aquaculture: a review. Aquaculture500, pp.250-263(SCI, Impact factor: 3.022).
    • Application of marine-derived polysaccharides as immunostimulants in aquaculture: A review of current knowledge and further perspectives. Fish & Shellfish immunology, 86, pp.1177-1193(SCI, Impact factor: 3.298).
    • Extraction and characterization of chitin from sea snail Conus inscriptus (Reeve, 1843). International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 126, pp.555-560(SCI, Impact factor: 4.784).
    • Dietary Ganoderma lucidum polysaccharides to enhance the growth, immune response and disease resistance of freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii. Aquaculture Reports, 14, p.100203.(SCI, Impact factor: 1.887).
  • Dr. C. Vasuki
    • Swift fabrication of silver nanoparticle using B. glabra: Potential against Japanese encephalaities vector, Culex tritaeniorhnchus giles (Diptera:Culicidae),Journal of Cluster of science,2016-2017,1040-7278
    • Toxicity effect of D.elata and Predatory efficiency of copepod, M.aspericornis for the control of dengue vector, Aedes aegypti,Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Disease.,2013-2014,1995-7645
    • Combined effect of A.indica and the entomopathogenic nematode Steinernema glaseri against subterranean termite, Reticulitermes J.Ent.Aca.Res.Ser.II.43(2):253-259. (2011)
    • Synergistic Activity of Andrographis paniculata with Bacillus thuringiensis against Malarial Vector, Anopheles stephensi.Entomol. Res. Soc.13(3):71-86 (2011) ISSN 1302-0250
    • Use of plant products and copepods for control of the dengue vector, Aedes aegypti. Hydrobiologia 666 (1), 331. Springer Netherlands Publisher.
    • Toxicity effect of Delonix elata and Predatory efficiency of Copepod, Mesocyclops aspericornis for control of Dengue vector, Aedes aegypti. Asian Pac. J.Trop.Dis.3(2):119-126(2013)
    • Swift fabrication of Silver nanoparticles using Bougainvillea glabra: potential against the Japanese encephalitis vector, Culex tritaeniorhynchus Giles (Diptera: Culicidae). Journal of Cluster Science. 27(3) :37-58 Springer US Publisher ISSN: 1040-7278.(2017).
    • Genotoxic effects of tobacco use in residents of hilly areas and foot hills of Western Ghats, Southern India. Scientific Reports. :14898. Nature group Publisher.( 2019).
    • Toxicity and smoke repellency effect of Mimosa pudica against the malarial vector Anopheles stephensi. The Bioscan.6(2):211-214, (2011)
    • Implications of Climate change and mosquito borne diseases and its impact on public health (Excel India Publishers) 88-95. ISBN:978-93
  • Dr. K. Mohan
    • Dietary Ganoderma lucidum polysaccharides to enhance the growth, immune response and disease resistance of freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergiiAquaculture Reports14, p.100203(SCI, Impact factor: 1.887).
    • Chemical structure and biological properties of a polysaccharide isolated from Pleurotus sajor-cajuRSC advances9(35), pp.20472-20482(SCI, Impact factor: 3.049).
    • Biotic potential of mucus extracts of giant mudskipper Periophthalmodon schlosseri (Pallas, 1770) from Pichavaram, southeast coast of India. The Journal of Basic and Applied Zoology80(1), p.13.
    • Genotoxic effects of tobacco use in residents of hilly areas and foot hills of Western Ghats, Southern India. Scientific Reports, 9(1),pp.1-8(SCI, Impact factor: 4.122).
    • Multi-elemental concentration in different body parts of Sepiellainermis by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, pp.1-8 (SCI, Impact factor: 2.914).
    • Marine invertebrates’ proteins: A recent update on functional property. Journal of King Saud University-Science (SCI, Impact factor: 2.835).
    • Biopolymer from edible marine invertebrates: A potential functional food. Journal of King Saud University-Science.(SCI, Impact factor: 2.835).
    • Anti-diabetic activity of crude polysaccharide and rhamnose enriched polysaccharide from G. lithophila on Streptozotocin (StZ)-induced in Wistar rats, Scientific Reports, 10,556. (SCI, Impact factor: 4.122).
  • Dr. V. UthayaKumar
    • Effect of dietary Ganoderma lucidum polysaccharides on biological and physiological responses of the giant freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii. Aquaculture, 464:42-49(Impact factors :2.50).,Aquaculture,2016-2017,0044-8486
    • Immunostimulatory effect and disease resistance induced by Lawsonia inermis against Aphanomyces invadans  in striped murrels (Channa striatus).,Malaya Journal of Biosciences,2014-2015,2348-3075
    • Evaluation of clinical and cytogenetic parameters in Rheumatoid arthritis patients for effective diagnosis.,Clinica Chimica Acta,2014-2015,
    • Comparative valuation of On-bottom and Off-bottom mussel culture as a small scale enterprise, in Chettuva estuary at Kerala, India, World Journal of Fish and Marine Sciences,2014-2015,2078-4589
    • Effect of Azadirachta indica Leaf Soluble Fraction on Immune Response and Disease Resistance in Channa striatus Against Tropical Freshwater Fungal Parasite Aphanomyces invadans (EUS).,Global Veterinaria,2013-2014,1992 -6197
    • Influence of Biofertilizer Mixed Flower Waste Vermicompost on the Growth, Yield and Quality of Groundnut (Arachis hypogea),World Applied Sciences Journal,2013-2014,8184952
    • Evaluation of vermicompost maturity using Scanning Electron Microscope and paper chromatography analysis..,Journal of Agricultural Food Chemistry,2013-2014,2070-1667
    • The Effects of Mixed Algal Diets on Population Growth, Egg Productivity and Nutritional Profiles in Cyclopoid Copepods (Thermocyclops Hyalinus and Mesocyclops Aspericornis).,Journal of Basic and Applied Zoology,2013-2014,2090-990X
    • Extraction , characterization and physico chemical properties of chitin and chitosan from Mud Crab shell (Scylla serrata),Indian journal of applied research,2013-2014,2277-9442
    • Impact of bio fertilizers on growth and reproductive performance of eisenia fetida (savigny 1926) during flower waste vermicomposting process.,Annual review and research in biology,2013-2014,2347565X
    • Effects of Clitoria ternatea Plant Parts on Growth Performance, Biochemical and Enzymatic Activities of  Pearl Spot (Etroplus  Suratensis)..,IJSR – International Journal of Scientific Research,2013-2014,2277-8179
    • Bioenrichment of live feed Daphnia magna for the Survival and growth of freshwater fish Catla catla,,International journal of Current Research Review,2013-2014,0975-5241
    • Effect of Chitosan supplemented diet on Survival, Growth, Haematological, Biochemical and Immunological Response of Indian major carp Labeo rohita.,International Research Journal Of Pharmacy,2013-2014,2230-8407
  • Dr. M. Saravanaraja
    • Role of phosphates on algal blooming during the summer months in Vellode lake, Erode District, Tamilnadu, India. International Journal of Universal Pharmacy and Bio Sciences. 2014: 3 (1), 19 – 25. ISSN Number: 2319-8141.
    • Seasonal variations and impact of fish culture activities in physico-chemical and biological qualities of Thenmugum Vellode Lake, Erode District, Tamilnadu, India.
      Scrutiny Inter. Research J. of Advanced Zoology, Animal Science and Nutrition (SIRJ-AZASN). 2014: 1(1), 16-22. ISSN Number: 2349-4263.
    • Evaluation of clinical and cytogenetic parameters in Rheumatoid arthritis patients for effective diagnosis.,Clinica Chimica Acta,2014-2015,
    • Comparative valuation of On-bottom and Off-bottom mussel culture as a small scale enterprise, in Chettuva estuary at Kerala, India, World Journal of Fish and Marine Sciences,2014-2015,2078-4589
    • Rhythmic changes in nutrient composition and its sequential impacts on a south Indian freshwater lake quality. International Research Journal of Biological and Environmental Science. 2015: 2 (12), 7-15. ISSN Number: 2348-5787.
    • Ethano-botanical importance of a tropical South Indian freshwater lake.
      International Research Journal of Agriculture, Plant Biotechnology and Bio Products. 2015: 2 (6), 7-13. ISSN Number: 2349-0128.
    • Fractious role of pesticides and herbicides on medicinal herbs diversity of a tropical south Indian village. International Journal of Institutional Pharmacy and Life Sciences. 2016, 6 (1), 37-45. ISSN Number: 2249-6807.
    • Constructive role of rural women on conservation of ethano-botanical diversity of South Indian villages. Wide Spectrum Research Journal. Proceedings of State Level Seminar on Micro Level Women Entrepreneurship in Biotechnology Applications. 5th and 6th Feb. 2016. 8 (4), 41-50. ISSN Number: 2250-2815.
    • A pioneer survey on the ethano-botanical diversity of the Perumugai Lake of erode district, South India. International Journal of Universal Pharmacy and Bio Sciences. 2016: 5 (5), 28 -34. ISSN Number: 2319-8141.
    • Recording of diurnal bird populations of Thenmugam Vellode Lake, South India. Scrutiny Inter. Research J. of Advanced Zoology, Animal Science and Nutrition (SIRJ-AZASN). 2016: 3 (1), 7-13. ISSN Number: 2349-4263.
    • Antibacterial efficacy of Fabaceae plants of a tropical lake of South India.
      International Journal of Research in Pharmacy and Science. 2016, 6 (3), 1-5. ISSN Number: 2249-3522.
    • Prospective role of a tropical rural lake on preservation of distinct populations.
      International Research Journal of Environment Sciences. 2017: 6 (1), 1-7. ISSN Number: 2319-1414.
    • Cure of inoperable municipal solid wastes by formulated microbial solution.
      International Journal of Institutional Pharmacy and Life Science. 2017: 7 (2), 1-8. ISSN Number: 2249-6807.
    • Summer nutrient escalation and sequential algal blooming of a south Indian freshwater lake. International Journal of Pharmacy and Integrated Life Sciences. 2017: 5 (5), 14-23. ISSN Number: 2320-0782.
    • . An appraisal on supreme pharmacological and minutest ecological prospective of Acacia nilotica indica. Asian Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology. 2017: 3(3), 61-65.
    • .An investigation on conformation of antimicrobial and superfluous ecological role of acacia nilotica indica. International Journal of Pharmacological Research. 2017. 7 (6), 127-134. ISSN Number: 2277-3312 (online).
    • Impact of urbanization on the physicochemical characteristics and its sequential changes in the ethano-botanical composition of the Odathurai lake of Erode district, South India. International Journal of Current Research. 2017. 7 (6), 127-134. ISSN Number: 0975 – 833X
    • . Efficiency of two phase UASB reactor with internal packing column for the treatment of dairy effluent. Global Journal of Engineering science and Researches. 2018: 5(7), 400-419. ISSN Number: 2348-8034.
    • . Role of Birds on Tropical Freshwater Lakes. Applied Entomology and Zoology – Vol. 3: Chapter 5, 67-89. AkiNik Publications. ISBN Number: 978-93-5335-066-6.
S.No. Investigator Title,Year of Award & Duration Funding Agency Amount
1 Dr.M.A.Sultan Ali Bioaccumulation of some metallic pollutants on the crabs, (2007-2008) & 2 Years UGC Rs.45,000
2 Dr.K.Nagarajan Monitoring of Tamilnadu River Waters: Cauvery Upstream, (2008-2009) & 2 Years UGC Rs.4,68,000
3 Dr.P.S.ArunaDevi Designing a Decentralized Sewage Treatment System to Households using Microbial Solution for Groundwater Recharging, (2013-2014) & 1.5 Years TNSCST Rs.3,21,500
4 Dr.A.M.Padmanaban Immunostimulatory Effects of Therapeutic Gungus Ganoderma Lucidum Polysaccharide (GLPs) B-Dglucans on Giant Freshwater Prawn Macrobrachium Rosenbergi (DE MAN 1879), (2014-2015) & 2 Years UGC Rs.4,85,000
5 Dr.P.S.ArunaDevi Biodiversity, Phytochemical and Antimicrobial Studies on Medicinal Plants in Paralimnetic Areas of Lakes of Erode District, (2014-2015) & 2 Years UGC Rs.4,95,000
6 Dr.R.Chandirasekar Cytogenetic and Molecular Evaluation of Cancer Risk in Tobacco Exposures in undeveloped people of Hills in Western Ghats of Tamil Nadu, (2016-2017) & 3 Years DST.SERB Rs.36,13,000
7 Dr.P.S.ArunaDevi Retrofitted Technology for Municipal Solid Waste Management through formulated Microbial Consortia for Sustainable Agriculture Nutrient Needs, (2017-2018) & 2.5 Years TNSCST Rs.14,99,000


S.No. Period Details
1 Feb. 1998 Two-day Seminar on Fresh Water Fish Culture in association with Tamilnadu Fisheries Training and Research Centre
2 Mar. 16 & 17, 2007 UGC sponsored Two-day National Conference on Environmental Studies and Bio-diversities (Enviro Concern 2007)
3 Feb. 24, 2016 Symposium on Bio – Shine 2016 Kidney Diseases – An Awareness and Prevention Programme


S.No. Name Course Year Rank
1 P. Tamilselvi B.Sc. 1998-2001 2nd
2 A. RajaRajeswari B.Sc. 1998-2001 5th
3 S. Prema B.Sc. 1999-2002 9th
4 M. A. Hajiravarera Irfana B.Sc. 2000-2003 6th
5 A. Perumal B.Sc. 2001-2004 2nd
6 G. Kiruthika B.Sc. 2001-2004 8th
7 R. Anil Kumar B.Sc. 2004-2007 4th
8 M. Hemalatha B.Sc. 2004-2007 6th
9 M. S. Durga B.Sc. 2004-2007 9th
10 S. Nathiya B.Sc. 2005-2008 2nd
11 G. Vennila B.Sc. 2005-2008 4th
12 M. Ruba B.Sc. 2005-2008 6th
13 J.Priya B.Sc. 2005-2008 10th
14 R. Yasodai B.Sc. 2007-2010 7th
15 Manimekalai R. B.Sc. 2010-2013 1st
Gold Medal
16 Jayakkodi K. B.Sc. 2010-2013 3rd
17 Nithya P. B.Sc. 2010-2013 9th
18 Umadevi V. B.Sc. 2011-2014 10th
19 Sangavi M. B.Sc. 2012-2015 1st
Gold Medal
20 Paramesh G. B.Sc. 2012-2015 2nd
21 Ragavi V. B.Sc. 2013-2016 3rd
22 Sivasankari S. B.Sc. 2014-2017 1st
Gold Medal
23 Sathya K. B.Sc. 2015-2018 2nd
24 K. Annaduari M.Sc. 1991-1993 3rd
25 C. Sivasubramaniam M.Sc. 1994-1996 2nd
26 P. Elumalai M.Sc. 1997-1999 3rd
27 S. Deepa M.Sc. 1997-1999 4th
28 K. Akila M.Sc. 1998-2000 1st
Gold Medal
29 P. S. Dhandapani M.Sc. 1998-2000 2nd
30 K. S. Senthilkumar M.Sc. 1998-2000 5th
31 V. S. Kavitha M.Sc. 1999-2001 2nd
32 N. Revathi M.Sc. 2000-2002 1st
Gold Medal
33 K. E. Yuvarani M.Sc. 2000-2002 3rd
34 P. Maheswari M.Sc. 2000-2002 5th
35 R. Rajeswari M.Sc. 2001-2003 1st
Gold Medal
36 A. RajaRajeswari M.Sc. 2001-2003 5th
37 T. Sharmila M.Sc. 2002-2004 2nd
38 P. Parimalam M.Sc. 2002-2004 4th
39 P. Mythily M.Sc. 2002-2004 5th
40 K. Radhamani M.Sc. 2002-2004 6th
41 N. Kavitha M.Sc. 2003-2005 1st
Gold Medal
42 S. Prema M.Sc. 2003-2005 3rd
43 S. Manikandan M.Sc. 2003-2005 5th
44 V. Bhuvaneshwari M.Sc. 2004-2006 1st
Gold Medal
45 P. Kriuthiga M.Sc. 2004-2006 2nd
46 D. Megala M.Sc. 2004-2006 3rd
47 G. Prabha M.Sc. 2005-2007 1st
Gold Medal
48 G. Ambika M.Sc. 2005-2007 2nd
49 C. Sudha Priya M.Sc. 2005-2007 3rd
50 A. J. Sasikala M.Sc. 2005-2007 4th
51 M. Nesamani M.Sc. 2005-2007 6th
52 M. Ashok Kumar M.Sc. 2006-2008 1st
Gold Medal
53 M. Thangamani M.Sc. 2006-2008 2nd
54 D. Rekha M.Sc. 2006-2008 3rd
55 G. Kiruthika M.Sc. 2006-2008 4th
56 M. Saravanaraja M.Sc. 2007-2009 1st
Gold Medal
57 M. Aamina M.Sc. 2007-2009 2nd
58 A. Murugan M.Sc. 2007-2009 4th
59 M. Ruba M.Sc. 2008-2010 1st
60 M. Karthika M.Sc. 2008-2010 2nd
61 G. Sheela M.Sc. 2008-2010 4th
62 K. Rekha M.Sc. 2009-2011 1st
Gold Medal
63 V. Ramasamy M.Sc. 2009-2011 2nd
64 S. Suhasini M.Sc. 2009-2011 3rd
65 T. Sangeetha M.Sc. 2010-2012 5th
66 R. Vanisri M.Sc. 2010-2012 5th
67 Myvizhi P. M.Sc. 2012-2014 1st
Gold Medal
68 Indirakumar M. M.Sc. 2012-2014 2nd
69 Rani C. M.Sc. 2012-2014 4th
70 Sathyabama S. M.Sc. 2012-2014 5th
71 Senthamilselvi S. M.Sc. 2013-2015 1st
Gold Medal
72 Nithya P. M.Sc. 2013-2015 2nd
73 Poomagal A. M.Sc. 2013-2015 6th
74 Kalaiselvi S. M.Sc. 2014-2016 4th
75 Mekala S. M.Sc. 2014-2016 5th
76 Umadevi V. M.Sc. 2015-2017 2nd
77 Renuga B. M.Sc. 2015-2017 4th
78 Lavanya K. M.Sc. 2015-2017 6th
79 Dhanalakshmi K. M.Sc. 2016-2018 1st
Gold Medal
80 Sowndhariya A.C. M.Sc. 2016-2018 4th
81 Dharani E. M.Sc. 2016-2018 5th