Computer Science

The Department of Computer Science was started in the year 1986-87 and it has been offering B.Sc. Computer Science programme with a sanctioned strength of 30. From the year 2011-12, the strength was increased to 35 with the financial aid from UGC. The department has been offering M.Phil. Computer Science programme from 1992 onwards. During 2011-12, the Department has become a recognised research centre to offer Ph.D. programme in Computer Science.

A well-equipped lab with 43 Pentium-IV systems networked with Windows NT Server caters to the needs of the students. Apart from a 7.5 KVA Diesel Generator, power back-up is provided by a 7.5 KVA online UPS with 2 hours battery backup. The lab also has an A3 Laser printer/copier/scanner, an A4 Colour Scanner, a laser printer and a Dot-Matrix printer. The lab is equipped with three numbers of 1.5 tonne A/C units. A multimedia projector is used for effective teaching-learning process. Internet connectivity is provided with 2 Mbps broadband connectivity.


The department received Rs.7,00,000 from the UGC as seed-money to conduct the Career Oriented Programme “CERTIFICATE COURSE IN DESKTOP PUBLISHING” from the year 2008-09. Through this programme, about 40 students undergo DTP training and fetch jobs in publishing industries every year.


At the end of the B.Sc Computer Science Programme, the students will be able to design, implement and evaluate a computational system to meet desired needs within realistic constraints. The graduates can also understand the professional, ethical, legal, security, social issues and responsibilities for the computing profession.

  • The students are able to use a wide range of programming languages and their tools to develop computer programs to solve the problems efficiently.
  • The graduates are capable to design, and analyze precise specifications of algorithms, data structures and procedures.
  • The students are equipped to apply the technologies in various fields of Computer Science, including Computer network, Information Security, Web development, Mobile applications, Data mining, Image processing, Cloud computing and Bio-inspired computing.
  • The students can excel in the fields of Information Technology, Government and Private sector, Teaching and Research.
  • The students can perform effectively as an individual and as a member or a leader in a multidisciplinary team to build software system applications.

On successful completion of this course, the students will develop a thorough knowledge and understanding of the process of planning, drafting, developing and creating a DTP document to meet the needs of a target audience.

  • The students can create, import and manipulate graphics to develop an attractive DTP document.
  • The learners are provided with a foundation of desktop publishing skills necessary to create effective business publications, create fliers, brochures and multiple page documents.
  • This course gives added advantage to the students for getting job opportunities like office managers, teachers, administrative assistants and in any office or clerical jobs.
  • Students can develop their visual communication effectively by combining images and texts with attractive layout.
  • Dr. R. Pragaladan, M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D.,                                                          (Head)
  • Ms. D. Sasikala., M.Sc., M.Phil., SET.,
  • Dr. R. Pragaladan
    • “Multi-Aspect Sparse Time Integrated Cut-off Authentication (STI-CA) for Cloud Data Storage”.,Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Web of Science – UGC Recommended, 10(4),,2016-2017,ISSN (Online) : 0974-5645
    • “A Survival Study on Confidentiality and Security in Cloud Business Data Storage Transaction”,International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCIS), (Thomson Reuters Indexed) 14(10),,2016-2017,1947-5500
    • “High Confidential Data Storage Using DNA Structure for Cloud Environment”,, 2016 International Conference on Computation System and Information Technology for Sustainable Solutions (CSITSS), IEEE Xplore,,2016-2017,Electronic ISBN: 978-1-5090-1022-6
    • “Re-Adapted Apriori Algorithm in E-Commerce Proposal Coordination” ,International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering (An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization),,2015-2016, ISSN(Online): 2320-9801
    • “A Study on Challenges of Cloud Computing in Enterprise Perspective”, ,International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering,2014-2015,ISSN (Online): 2278-1021
    • “Improve Workflow Scheduling Technique for Novel Particle Swarm Optimization in Cloud Environment”,International Journal of Engineering Research and General Science,,2014-2015,ISSN 2091-2730 675
    • “A Study of Mobile Cloud Computing And Challenges”,, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering,,2014-2015, ISSN (Online): 2278-1021
    • “Balancing Server in Public Cloud Using AJAS Algorithm” International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET), Volume 3, Issue 8, pp.2879-284, August 2014
    • “DNA based data confidentiality and security in cloud computing”, International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development(Special Issue),  Online ISSN: 2349-4182 Print ISSN: 2349-5979 , Page No. 310-312, Volume 3; Issue 3; March 2016
    • “A Secure Cloud Data Storage Combining DNA Structure and Multi Aspect Time Integrated Cut-off Potential” ICBDCC2017 – International Conference on Big-Data and Cloud Computing, Published in Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer and Scopus Indexed, pp.361 – 374, 2017
    • “Survey on Multi-Keyword Ranked Search over Encrypted Cloud Data”, IJSRD – International Journal for Scientific Research & Development, ISSN (online): 2321-0613, 6(7), pp.670-673, 2018.
    • “A novel framework for patient health care monitoring system using IoT based cardiac disease management”, International Journal of Advanced Scientific Research and Management, UGC Recommended, 4(6) , pp.233-237, 2019.
  • Ms. D. Sasikala
    • Private and Secure Hyperlink Navigability Assessment in Web Mining Information System, Journal of Innovative Research and Solutions, 2017-2018, ISSN :2320 – 1932.
    • Network Security and Wireless Sensor Networks using in the Human Immune System, International Journal of computer science, 2016-2017, ISSN:2348-6600
    • A Survey of Soil Temperature and Moisture Prediction Recommend Planting Different Crops in Agriculture Using Data Mining, International Journal of computer science, 2016-2017, ISSN:2348-6600
    • Multimedia mining, International Journal of computer science, 2016-2017, ISSN:2348-6600
    • An Enhanced Mammogram Image Classification using Fuzzy Association Rule Mining, International Journal Of  Nano Science  & Nano Technology, 2014-2015, ISSN:2279-0381
    • “A Study on preprocessing a mammogram Image using Adaptive Median Filer”, International Journal Of Innovative Research In Science, Engineering & Technology, 2014-2015, ISSN:2319-8753
    • Observations of Buffer Bloat in Cellular Networks, International Journal of  Nano Science  & Nano Technology, 2014-2015, ISSN:2279-0381
S.No. Name Year Rank
1 S. MuraliKrishna 1990-1993 9th
2 R. Dhanabal 1991-1994 9th
3 M. Prasanna 1994-1997 7th
4 R. Arulanandham 1995-1998 2nd
5 S. Senthilkumar 1999-2002 3rd
6 A. S. Fouziah 1999-2002 8th