Code of Conduct



  1. The college has to uphold the highest levels of ethics and integrity in all its affairs.
  2. The Principal, Administrate, Director, Trustees and other Employees of the college server the public trust and are required to fulfil their responsibilities with care and loyalty.
  3. The Principal, Director, Trustees and other Employees must work together to ensure prompt & consistent enforcement of ethical conduct.
  4.  Our institution employees care each and every student both in Educational and Disciplinary Activities.
  5. The Administration to plan and ensure annual progress and execute programmes to confirm academic success.
  6. The administration will take responsibility for students’ and employees’ healthy safety and welfare.
  7. Top most priority to be given to the students’ problems and decision making.
  8. Administration to respect the dignity, cultural values and beliefs of each member.


  1. Teacher should treat the students in a good manner with humanity.
  2. Teacher should guide the students to improve their physical, mental as well as intellectual level.
  3. Teacher should preach human values to the students apart from the curriculum.
  4. Apart from their official issues teachers should also help the students to solve their personal issues.
  5. Students issues will be taken to their parents knowledge which the faculty feels that they should know.
  6. In teaching profession all the teachers should follow the rules of governing body.
  7. All the staff members must be punctual at the appointed time and should not leave the college before closing time.
  8. Both the teaching and non-teaching staff members should register their presence in the attendance register/ biometric attendance machine which is maintained at the head of the institution’s
  9. Monthly two one-hour permissions are permitted for both teaching and non-teaching staff members.
  10. All the teaching staff members will have 40 hours of workload per week as per UGC Norms.
  11. The normal working time for teaching staff members is 10.00 Am to 4.00 Pm and for non-teaching staff members is 9.00 Am to 5.00 Pm.
  12. Yearly 15 days of casual leave (CL + RH) is permitted to both Teaching & Non – Teaching Staff.
  13. Staff Members of the institution are not allowed to engage themselves in any political activity.
  14. For every three days of late attendance in a month the employee will lose Half a day from casual leave.
  15. Code and Conduct of teachers and non-teaching staff members are governed by Tamilnadu Service rules and University Statues and rules.


  1. All students should conduct themselves with DECENCY, DECORUM and DIGNITY at all times and in all places.
  2. Students must co-operate in protecting and taking care of all college property and equipments. They are expected to keep the building, playfield and their rooms neat and tidy.
  3. Difficulties experienced by the students and suggestions for improving their welfare may be brought to the notice of the principle or any other staff member for consideration and necessary action.
  4. Students who want to participate in matches and competitions not conducted by the college can do so only after getting the permission of the principal.
  5. Students are forbidden from taking any part in political activities of any kind particularly those directed against the authority of the government.
  6. Students who are found damaging college property will be expelled from the college. If any damage to the college property is caused by the student who is not identified minimum collective fine of Rs.100/- per student will be levied at the end of the year.

Members of Monitoring Committee for Code of Conduct

  1. Dr. P. Ranjitham, Head and Assistant Professor of Botany
  2. Dr. K. R.Vijayarani, Assistant Professor of Economics
  3. Dr. V. Sivakumar, Assistant Professor of Chemistry